Thursday, November 4, 2010

Rain Day!!

Well, here I am, all dressed up, hair did, waiting for the bus which should be here any minute to take me to work.

Except I we have no work today. Which means I got up, washed, dressed, ate breakfast, and waited for nothing. It has been raining since about 3 AM and the streets are flooding, again. Now that I am awake, what am I going to do? Its 7 in the MORNING.

I guess I don't know if I should feel bad for or jealous of Erika because she is at school teaching right now.

Who am I kidding... Rain Day!!! I'm going back to bed!


  1. How long did it take to do your hair?

  2. After reading the hair did part, I thought Erika wrote this so I was going to leave a comment saying, in jest, that it sounded like Ken had posted it...only I read a few more lines and it really was Ken.
