Friday, August 19, 2011

An International Haircut

So Ken gets his haircut in Honduras every 4-6 weeks (I think) and he's been going to the same local barber shop a few blocks away...they know exactly who he is now...and I'm jealous! He pays $3 and always has a nice looking head of hair. The one time I went to get a haircut last year was a complete mess and I haven't been back to a salon since. I usually wait until I go home at Christmas or over the summer to my hair stylist back in Oswego whom I've gone to for years and of course trust!

Well, I decided that needed to change, especially since I really needed a haircut and it's only August! There was no way I could wait until December so I started asking around and got the number to Frank's Coiffure - International Hair Salon. A few of the teachers from Mazapan had been there and they had good experiences so I figured what the heck! I come to find that not only does he speak so so English but he also speaks French, and he's been in my yoga class the past 2 weeks! Small world huh!?

This afternoon, I got my hair washed, cut, and styled by Frank while speaking French (and a little Spanish here and there since it was hard not to think of Spanish words after 1 year!) for about 30 minutes. It was great! My hair looks like it does when I get it cut in the states and it took half the time (and cost way less!). I guess I'll be going back there in the future and it's good to know I still remember how to understand and speak French. Not to shabby...

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