Sunday, August 28, 2011

A moped experience

After dinner at Cary and Luke's last night, we decided to head home pretty early since we were so tired. We were going to take a taxi when Luke and Cary offered us one of their new mopeds to drive home. We had just finished practicing them in the street and they were so much fun to drive. We of course didn't want to ruin them though. After a little convincing, we had our helmets on and we were ready to drive through La Ceiba....on a get back to our house. Our plan was to return them today since we were going to be playing volleyball at the school. Ken drove us both home and I thought you should see a pic of how cool we looked.


Here's me!


Here's Ken!

Alright so obviously these aren't really us but we didn't have our camera handy. This is a pretty exact portrait of us though :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Girls just wanna have fun!

The girls and I decided to have a "girls day" today! We all met to get our nails done at 9:30 this morning at Karisma's salon, about a 5 block walk from our house. They were only able to do 3 of us at a time so we ended up being there for about 3 hours just talking, lounging, and relaxing. They did a great job and all our feet feel like a babies bottom. I hadn't gotten a pedicure in a long time so it felt so great on my feet, especially after being on them constantly for the past month.
Afterwards, another teacher from our school picked us up and we end outside of town for lunch. We drove about 40 minutes to Sambo Creek where we had lunch at a far away hotel named La Delphina. We of course decided to take a car but take a look at how these boys decided to get from one place to the other!

I had never been here before but had heard about it from my dad when he was visiting because he and Kasia had come there. The place was beautiful! It was right on the beach, you could see the ocean from the tables you ate it, and it had a luxurious pool.

We of course though didn't know we would be coming here so none of us had our suits! The other down fall....the food took about 1.5 hours to get and it wasn't all that special either. The conversation was good, as well as the view, and by the end of it we were all ready to come home and take a nap!
At night, we all went over to Luke and Cary's house (we decided to finally invite the boys) and we a few drinks before eating homemade lasagna, garlic bread, and salad. What a great way to end a Saturday!

Thursday, August 25, 2011


After a year in La Ceiba, we decided to try something new. Since Ken and I really dislike cleaning, and we were offered multiple times by one of the janitors at our school that her daughter was looking for work cleaning houses, to hire a maid. Even though we have a small house, and we know we are more than capable of cleaning, we figured what the heck since when in our life will we probably ever be able to afford a maid!

Fanny started on Monday and will be coming each week (one time) to clean our house and do some laundry. Our house looked so great after coming home from work on Monday night. Our floors were shiny (something we haven't ever seen since we've lived here since dirt just layers on them) our bathrooms were sparkling, and our kitchen was spotless. Even though we had a lack of water that day for some reason and the laundry wasn't able to get done, it was still such a relief to not have to do anything when I got home (and it smelled so clean!) Plus it was only $15 and she was here from 8 - 5 pm!

We're living the dream I guess! :)

Friday, August 19, 2011

An International Haircut

So Ken gets his haircut in Honduras every 4-6 weeks (I think) and he's been going to the same local barber shop a few blocks away...they know exactly who he is now...and I'm jealous! He pays $3 and always has a nice looking head of hair. The one time I went to get a haircut last year was a complete mess and I haven't been back to a salon since. I usually wait until I go home at Christmas or over the summer to my hair stylist back in Oswego whom I've gone to for years and of course trust!

Well, I decided that needed to change, especially since I really needed a haircut and it's only August! There was no way I could wait until December so I started asking around and got the number to Frank's Coiffure - International Hair Salon. A few of the teachers from Mazapan had been there and they had good experiences so I figured what the heck! I come to find that not only does he speak so so English but he also speaks French, and he's been in my yoga class the past 2 weeks! Small world huh!?

This afternoon, I got my hair washed, cut, and styled by Frank while speaking French (and a little Spanish here and there since it was hard not to think of Spanish words after 1 year!) for about 30 minutes. It was great! My hair looks like it does when I get it cut in the states and it took half the time (and cost way less!). I guess I'll be going back there in the future and it's good to know I still remember how to understand and speak French. Not to shabby...

FINALLY! Pictures of our classrooms

I know we've made you wait long enough so here they are....FINALLY! Ken and I both remembered our cameras this week and we took some pictures of our classrooms. ENJOY!

Ken's 11th Grade Homeroom - Santa Teresa

Notice the permanent marker that another teacher used on his whiteboard. It's slowly but surely coming off...maybe...

My classroom - 4th Grade at Mazapan - Hollywood Theme!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A new state of mind

For the past 2 Mondays, I have gone to a yoga class that is at the gym on my school's campus right after school. I have only taken a few yoga classes in my life and I wasn't to sure whether or not I'd like it but I figured I'd give it a try since I was getting sick of my old routine of running in circles and weight lifting a few days a week.

I was surprised to find how much I enjoyed it on a MONDAY afternoon! It's a great release from the hectic, busy day the beginning of the week always seems to bring, and a great way to start my work out routines for the week. The teacher is really good at what she does (an american who has been living in Honduras for awhile now) and there are only 5-6 other people in the class with me (I think all of us teachers know how important it is to have small class sizes...for many reasons!)

I already saw a huge improvement in the way I can hold poses and just my general flexibility and breathing. I always struggled with the breathing part in yoga and pilates which is why I never really wanted to do it. It's so nice though now that I have it down and I actually feel relaxed since I'm not really concentrating on it anymore. Although I'm a bit sore the day after, it's a good sore that has me going back for more. For any of you who have never tried yoga I would totally suggest it for a workout 1-2 times a week!! There are 3 more classes left in the 6 week session and I'm hoping to find a way to get Ken to come to one ;) We'll see how that works out!

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Busy weekend

Over the weekend, Ken and I went up to the river twice! Yesterday, we headed with a bunch of teachers to the Jungle River Lodge where we spent a day of jumping off rocks and swimming in the Rio Cangrejal. It was a beautiful day and it was exhilarating to be able to jump off such high rocks and just let go! After we spent some time in the water we headed up to the lodge to have some drinks and enjoy the scenery. Ken fed a toucan some orange slices and we watched a HUGE storm come out of nowhere! It down-poured for awhile and it was beautiful to watch it while overlooking the river.

Later that night, we had dinner over at my boss's house (Martha and Phil) where we BBQ'd and just enjoyed the conversation. I got to try lobster for the first time as well as bbq'd carrots (surprisingly SUPER good!) After some glasses of wine and a few beers we headed in for the night before meeting up with them again this morning to head back into the mountains. We ended up at Villa Pico Bonito ( where we had an awesome lunch. This place was absolutely gorgeous with some of the most beautiful flowers I have ever seen. It also had an infinity pool overlooking the Rio Cangrejal and multiple walking paths that led down to the river. We ate porkchops with baked potato and continued sharing stories about our summer this afternoon. What a relaxing way to spend our Sunday. Take a look at this view!

We both came back to our house with our belly's full and craving a nap...and that's just what we did. Now we are winding down our weekend and mentally preparing for our next week of school. We hope you all have had a great weekend too!

And so it begins...

Summer is finally over which means Ken and I started our second school year here in Honduras this past Monday. It was a whirlwind of a week trying to get back on a regular sleeping schedule that allows us to get up at 5 AM while keeping up that high energy for our students and of course lesson planning. After being off for 2 months it was challenge to feel like you were on top of things like the year before but by the end of the week we were both feeling more confident.

This year, Ken has taken on the task of being the 11th grade (Senior) boys Homeroom teacher. He has 17 boys that he will be in charge of each morning before school starts and he'll have to use that creativity throughout the year to plan different events for their Christmas show, senior service hours, and of course graduation. He is also teaching World History, Philosophy, and Humanities. He definitely has a busy year ahead of him. There are a bunch of new teachers at his school this year too so he's been getting know each of them and it sounds like they will all add a lot of things to his school. The big goal for Ken, and the rest of the faculty this year, is to have students stop speaking Spanish during their English classes. This was hard in the past for many teachers to enforce since many of them used Spanish when teaching so it is a plus that the new hired teachers all have strong English and are ready to work together towards this goal.

Once again, I am teaching 4th grade at Mazapan School and have a completely different year ahead of me. I have gone from teaching 30 students to 19 students this year (HOLY MOLY!!!) and I have also gone from having a full time aide to having no one (WOWZERS!!!) Although my classroom has a lot more space in it with such fewer desks it was a transition for me to be the only adult in the classroom, especially when trying to collect all of their school supplies. It was overwhelming some days, that's for sure, but my students were very understanding and did a great job of working with me to get this task done. It also was a very different start to the school year this time around since all of my incoming 4th graders already knew me! Last year, I didn't know anyone at the school since we had just moved to La Ceiba. However throughout the school year last year I worked closely with the 3rd grade teacher to plan lessons, field trips, and other events, so her students knew me quite well. Instead of doing lots of ice breakers on the first day, we were able to have deeper conversations about each of our summers and dive right into the rules and procedures of 4th Grade. By the end of the week, it seemed as though they all understood what was expected of them and they were ready for the learning to begin :)

It is still crazy for me and Ken to believe that we are already underway with our second year of teaching. It still feels like just yesterday when we arrived here and we were both soooo nervous of what was to come. Now we feel so comfortable where we are at and its nice to know what is in store for us this year. Not only are we ready for a great year of teaching but we are also ready for all of our visitors to start coming :)