Friday, February 11, 2011

A Honduran Rainstorm

It has been raining since 2:00 pm this afternoon, of course right as school got out on a Friday, and we have decided to stay in for the night. After attempting to trek to Las Carnetas for dinner, we ended up turning back after about 2 minutes of walking in the storm. The rain was just coming down too hard to try and walk the 10 blocks.

Inspired by the weather, we decided to make a video for your viewing pleasure. Instead of Megablizzard 2011, I give you Typical Rain Storm in Honduras 2011!


  1. Ken-some cute polka dot rain boots would have really finished out your rain storm look-I think you should look into that!

  2. wow thats a lot of water! you could almost take a boat down it...the people on bikes down there are just as crazy as the ones here in chicago!

  3. Love it! Thanks for showing us the flowing water Ken! I loved your sound effects when the car passed EJ! Miss you both!
