Sunday, September 12, 2010

Best Sunday

Today has been by far the best Sunday since I have been here in La Ceiba. It is the first weekend that Ken and I have had NOTHING going on so I was able to get up early this morning and go for a run OUTSIDE! This is the first run outside, only my second run, since we've been here. I had finally gotten my DOLE i.d. card last week and figured I would try it out across the street at the DOLE researching facility because there is a shaded walking circle there. I have been craving to go for a run and I think the hardest thing for me so far is not being able to lace up my shoes and just go. Well I got there around 7am this morning and was let in with no problems and off I went. I ran about 4 miles around the little circle which took me 1:45seconds to complete each time. Its basically the size of a track but with dirt paths and trees all around so it was much more enjoyable. It felt so good to be on my own and running of all things.

Then I came back home and started baking. Yesterday I had made some M&M cookies (because you can't find chocolate chips here! or chocolate bars for that matter...this might become a problem!) and I was still in the baking mood. I decided to make homemade banana bread, homemade apple pie (crust included!) and homemade vegetable quiche. I was slaving away in the kitchen and enjoying myself so much. I became a little bummed when I realized I no longer had my awesome ceramic rolling pin that I received from Jody last Christmas because it broke the 2nd day we were here. Luckily the Clow's had one that I could borrow though. Everything turned out really well even though I learned that our stove cooks unevenly. I started figuring out how to keep it from burning though!

It was so relaxing to be doing what I love. Our house is definitely beginning to feel more like home. I can't wait to see what I decide to bake next :)


  1. Wow Erika! What a great day ! Everything sounds perfect! sorry about the rolling pin, guess you know what you will be getting for christmas this year!!!

  2. Maybe you should do a "Martha Stewart in HOnduras" type blog!
    Come bake for me..... :)

    PS - does my brother know how lucky he is?? Seriously. You better remind him.


  3. What a nice day! Lazy weekend days with nothing planned are the best!
