Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Futbol

We went to another futbol game this afternoon. It was Vida -the Ceiba team- v Olympia for a spot in the play-offs. We went with our friend Brian and had a crazy time. Man, I can not get over how outrageous futbol games are down here.

First of all, the stadium was packed. Had to be around 20,000 people there - packed! There are actually a lot of Olympia fans in Ceiba so there was strong representation from both sides. The crowd was so loud! Fans here never stop cheering or jumping or yelling or whistling. About midway through the second half the game really got intense. Vida was gaining a lot of momentum and it seemed that the tying goal was coming soon. The Olympia fan's section was going nuts - fireworks were going off (as they were most of the game) and a small fire had been started in the stands. Finally, Vida got their tying goal. The rest of the game was relatively calm - if you can call 20,000 people yelling and lighting fireworks in the stands calm. Then, as the ball is being played on the opposite side of the field, one of the Vida fans lit a string of firecrackers and through them so that they exploded right around the head of the Olympia goalie. I saw the whole thing, they started going off about 5 ft above his head and then one exploded right next to his left ear! Must have been sooooo loud! Well, the riot police and army moved in to get everyone away from the fence after that.

The game ended in a tie, which means that because Olympia was ahead in point for the playoff position Vida wont go on to the playoffs. So the game is over, and we are about to get going, when we see hundreds of Olympia fans run onto the field. We just stood in disbelief as all these people climbed the barb-wire fence and ran for their teams dug out. The riot police instantly started running at these people and swinging their batons! What! Where are we?! It was like an after-show!

After things calmed down we started to head out. Then, just as we were making our way through the exit area the mob started pushing a shoving from behind, practically throwing us out into the muddy road. For a split second I thought that the police had started shooting at people and that was why they were running. But nope, just celebrating Olympian fans. The streets were filled with people and police and army and everyone was a little rowdy but we made it home just fine.

It was a blast. I just remember sitting there, looking around at the fireworks, the people, the bonfire that had started in the stands, and the police and thinking, "Never, NEVER!, have I EVER seen anything like this before in my life!"

I can't wait for the next game.


1 comment:

  1. Wow! Great experience ! I hope that Erika was holding your hand the whole time so that you wouldnt be scared.. :) LOVE YOU!!! MOM
