Friday, May 25, 2012

Carnival 2012 preview

My kids were promised a water balloon party for the end of the year if they read 50,000 pages together as a class (we have done a reading competition each quarter of the year) My 4th graders last year didn't make the goal and I knew it would be hard for them to make as well (since I have 10 less students than last year!!!) but they made it just in time. They read a total of 50,849 pages in Quarter 4 so I bought those water balloons and we did just that. Here are a few pictures from the party. It was so much fun!!

We're ready for war!

Carnival 2012 is here!!! The big even doesn't come until tomorrow but we kicked off the fun last night at El Sauce's Carnivalito and then today at work with our Carnivalito (similar to Field Day!) Thought I'd share a few pictures with you from our night/day. We will be heading out into the crowds this year for the main event (which we missed last year) which is a huge parade, lots of food, drinks, and of course live music. We are pumped!! Happy Friday!

300 lbs of ice in a pool...that's how we roll! The biggest cooler ever :)

Our new tats!

One of the Mayan symbols for the month of July

Jessie got the symbol for tiger

Party on!

Carnivalito at school today:

The beginning of the parade

The 4th Graders in the dragon's body

We've got a crowed!


Sporting the wigs :)

Some of the dessert from the Cake Walk activity


  1. Did the kids get to shoot water balloons at you?!

    Everything looks super fun! XO!

  2. Hi Erika, I was researching La Ceiba and found your blog. I have really enjoyed it! My fiance and I live in Chicago at the moment, but he is going to the Mazapan School this fall! It was exciting to see your experience. Hope you are settled back in the US!
    All the best,
    Leslie Sakuta
