Friday, March 16, 2012

St. Patrick's Day in the 4th Grade (a little early!)

This entire week we've been learning about the history of Ireland and the traditions of St. Patrick's Day. Since there is just so much you could do with this holiday I wanted to share a few things that I did (and that worked out awesome!) in my classroom.

Math Activity #1: Hidden Clovers

I introduced the activity by telling my kids that a leprechaun had come into the room the night before and hid a bunch of clovers. Each clover had a number to it and they had to figure out the factors and multiples of each number (this was review). Then they had to group up with partners and combine all of their numbers to sort through the multiples of 2, 3, and 5. Here are some of my kids in action looking for the clovers.

Math Activity #2: Lucky Charms Math

Who doesn't like those lucky charms marshmallows...especially when celebrating St. Patrick's Day. Each student got their own bag of lucky charms and took out all of the marshmallows. Then they completed different activities like making a bar graph of the different shapes, seeing how many they could stack and then using this information to find the mean, median, mode, and range, as well as a few story problems/fraction problems. Take a look!

Language Arts #3: Who is more important to you than gold?

My students thought long and hard about who they wanted to write about for this one and I got some of the best writing I've had all year long! I was so impressed with the time and energy my students put in to this assignment. It turned out great and they were so proud of what they wrote and illustrated.

All of these activities were found on pinterest so take a look at my boards if you're on pinterest and if you're not....sign up now! It has so many great ideas for everything in your life...I promise. I've been going crazy for the recipes, workouts, hair styles, etc.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like they had a blast! I've heard a lot about this pinterest...might have to look into it!
